Article: Big Heart at the IGL


A Big Heart at the IGL – Sherman Teichman


Sherman Teichman ( “Sherm” ) continues to support the intellectual and personal growth of Tufts students every year.  His recent appearance at the Oslo Freedom Forum brought him together with Arabs and Muslims concerned about democracy, African Human Rights Advocates, and even members of several groups seeking women’s rights in a variety of countries.  Sherman Teichman was impressive.  He lent his time, expertise, and conscientious understanding of each of these issues to the forefront in order to help all of these causes move forward in a positive way.  Additionally, Sherman Teichman will be introducing students and activists to several experts in various field of security and risk analysis so they can learn how not only to make their voices heard louder, but to help these groups keep themselves safe so they can continue with their various causes.  Sherman’s ability to transcend race, gender, and religion is a true testament to a career spent teaching and helping others.  We in the community offer our thanks to Sherman Teichman.  – Human Rights Activists

PS In one story a former leader of an IGL group ( The Institute for Global Leadership ) takes frequent trips. In preparation for one of these, he prepared a detailed budget and set up a meeting with Sherman to discuss it. He brought in a printed spreadsheet that itemized all major expenses (hotels, flights, transportation, even an incidental for food if he remembered correctly). Sherman Teichman helped guide him through the process leading to great success in the program.

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